When was the last time we stepped out of our rut to see what was possible in our lives? If we were to take a step back would we notice we have been on autopilot for a while, maybe even years. It is true, at times autopilot might be the best course of action.

It’s possible our autopilot started as a coping mechanism but now has become a way of life. Maybe our job was unfulfilling, our relationship difficult, or we realized our dream life was no longer within reach. Autopilot became a safe haven of routine that gave us a sense of order. Yet at some level we knew our autopilot was killing us but we were too beatdown to change.

The funny thing about life is each new day gives us an opportunity to reinvent ourselves. We can quit our bad job, leave an unhealthy relationship, change our diet. All we have to do is believe we are worth the best life possible.

We may use the excuse that we are too old, to broken, or too afraid to turn off the autopilot. These are just limiting beliefs telling us the same story we have heard for years. What will happen when we have no time left? What will we say to ourselves then? Will we have the courage to question our narrative?

For some reason we believe the negative things we hear in our head. We think this is the voice of our true self because it is always telling us we are not good enough, our dreams are stupid, or people like us don’t step into the unknown.

We fail to understand that any voice that tells us negative things is a voice worth ignoring. Our true self, will only speak words of love and encouragement. But we have to silence the negative chatter to hear it.

The difference between the voice of our true self and the voices of our negative self-talk and self-doubt, is our true self knows we can accomplish anything, when we love ourselves. As we begin to follow the guidance of our self-love, spoken through our intuition, the fire of our true desires begin to burn brighter.

As we love ourselves more and more each day, we notice we can turn off our autopilot. In doing so we may feel a bit of fear because the comfort of our routine is no longer there. But the excitement of a new way of life will carry us through any moments of doubt and hesitation we may have.

The excuse of being too old is no longer valid as we see people much older than us traveling, taking art classes, going to college, learning new skills, even running ultra-marathons. Anything is possible when we shutdown our autopilot and live by the love found at the core of our being.

Sure we will have those who doubt us, but it is because their autopilot is still controlling their lives. Once we step out of our rut, we will begin to meet others who have done the same. It is these people who will encourage us to see how far we can go, and what we can accomplish.

Leaving the comfort of our autopilot life may not be easy at first, but we know to live to the fullness of who we are, we must take the chance. With this new frame of mind our self-love becomes the driving force of our life. We are strong enough to choose the best life possible rather than settle for a life on autopilot.

In this state of love we will have no regrets because we know, win or lose, success or failure, we gave life our best shot. We come to the realization that no matter the outcome we turned off our autopilot and lived life to the fullest.


I remember living on autopilot, working at an unsatisfying job, eating unhealthy food, not taking care of my emotional health. Is this something you notice in your life? Let me know what you think. Click the link below to leave a comment. I’m always open to hearing from you.


Each week I email an article to those who have subscribed to receive my weekly. This week I wrote about how the hawk never loses its focus. Here is an excerpt.

One big difference between us and the hawk is we both know our distractions are there, but the hawk chooses not to engage with the birds. We, on the other hand, seem to have little willpower when our distractions show up.

To read receive my weekly articles go to the subscribe box on the bottom of my home page.

My website is up and running, thank you Bonnie. There you will find links to my books and events as well as my blog. Grateful to have people in my life who speak the language of the internet.

Thank you for walking with me through this journey called life. I appreciate your support.


Peace and well-being, Paul


Copyright Paul Hudon 2024