To live to the fullness of who we are meant to be, takes courage. It’s not easy looking within ourselves to connect with our authentic truth. This means we may have to shed a persona we created as a way to gain acceptance from those around us.

It also means we may have to examine our beliefs to see which ones are hindering our ability to live truthfully. This type of inner work takes courage because remaining as we are is so comfortable and change is scary.

From a young age we changed who we were to please others. The thinking is if we behave a certain way, we would be liked and accepted by those around us. With this mindset we learn to place the needs of others ahead of our own. This way we are not a burden on those who we depend on. We learn that no demands equals a smoother path through life. Although this may be true, the more we act this way, the further away we get from our true self.

As the years pass we may notice we are not happy, our job and relationships are unfulfilling, and we keep ourselves busy because idle time exposes the void within us. We have changed who we are so often we have no idea who we are when we look in the mirror.

If we are lucky we arrive at the realization that for our emotional health we need to return to our true selves. The problem is those around us know us for the façade we have created as a way to please them. Any change in who we are may make them too uncomfortable, so it may be easier to forgo the work needed to return to our truth.

Yet at some point we can’t take it any longer. We recognize our persona is a lie and we can’t live this way any longer. This where courage comes into play. Think of it as trying to walk upstream against a current of popular opinion. We know what is true and right for us, but those who claim to love us disagree and resist our desire to be truthful to ourselves.

We have a choice, change once again to please others, or courageously step in the direction that will reveal our authenticity to the world. The truth is, when we connect with the fullness of who we are, there’s no going back.

It is here in this realization we get a glimpse of our true potential. This will make those around us even more uncomfortable, because they realize they may not be living truthfully. They have changed who they were to please others as well. In doing so, they have become disconnected from their authentic selves. When they see others living by their truth, they may be ashamed of the choices they have made, and the life they could have lived.

As we continue the inner work, we notice a source of unconditional love flowing deep within our being, possibly for the first time. We then realize when we changed who we were to please others, we separated ourselves from this love. Now that our intention is to live by our authentic truth, we reunite with this eternal stream of love.

Yet this journey takes courage because we will be challenged along the way. Those who claim to love us may not understand our new way of life. Our beliefs may not align with those we once called our friends. The temptation to return to old ways of being may be strong, but the love we now feel for ourselves is too great to sacrifice for those who do not recognize the truth of who we are.

As we courageously step into our authentic self, the world accepts us for who we are. We are honest with ourselves, living and speaking our truth, sharing our love without conditions or expectations. We encourage those who once tried to change us to begin their own inner journey, to uncover the truth of who they are.

Yet we will love them without judgement if they choose to remain as they are. We love ourselves enough to know that everyone is on their own path. All we can do is encourage them to take the first step of courageously looking within themselves to connect with their true selves.

Think of it, the destination is unconditional love. Do we have the courage to look within ourselves to find the truth of who we are? When we do we will tap into this love, a love that encourages us to live to the fullness of who we are meant to be.


Are you courageous enough to take this journey? Let me know what you think. Please leave a comment below. I’m always interested in hearing your point of view.

I’ll be hosting a journaling workshop titled “Creating a Sacred Space” on August 24th from 11:00am to 1:00pm at Strega, 157 Coronado Dr, in Sierra Vista AZ.

The intention of this workshop is to create a sacred space in your consciousness, to begin a conversation with your Higher Self.  The cost, $30.00. Space is limited.

To reserve your spot call, 214-790-5427, or email,

Each week I email an article to those who have subscribed to my weekly. This week I compare choosing our clothes for the day to choosing our attitude. Here is an excerpt.

Many would say we don’t get to choose our attitude. Yet they would be wrong. We always have a choice. We can choose to be grumpy, angry, even resentful, among many other negative emotions. Or we can choose from a wide variety of positive emotions that will create a great attitude.

If you would like to receive my weekly articles, go to the home page on my website where you will find a box to enter your email address. I will not abuse the privilege of having your address.

Don’t forget to check out my latest book, “Abundance to Zen: Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life.

For more information take a look at the newly released page on my website.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through life, I appreciate your company.

Peace and well-being, Paul

Copyright Paul Hudon 2024