I’m going to let you in on a little secret, you are one of a kind. No one sees the world as you do. No one has the same dreams and goals as you. Nor will anyone have the impact on those around you as you will. You are unique in every way. My question to you is, have you realized the unique gifts you have to give to the world? Or do you downplay your uniqueness to make others comfortable?

At times we may think our uniqueness is both a blessing and a curse. We enjoy our individuality, while other times we’ll do anything to fit in. We don’t want to be the odd ball, but we don’t want to be alone, or left out of the excitement life has to offer. How do we find balance?

The crazy thing about the world today is we think that to be unique we must have orange hair that shoots straight up. Or dress in a way that makes us stand out from the crowd. Although this may be one way to express our uniqueness, it doesn’t always have to be this way.

Our uniqueness can be as simple as the way we treat ourselves when life hands us a challenge. Do we love ourselves enough to take time to evaluate a situation before we choose to react emotionally? Finding a moment to contemplate before we react is more unique than we may realize. It may only take a fraction of a second but it takes discipline to think before we react. That discipline is unique.

How we express ourselves is a reflection of what we hold in our heart. If we are always criticizing others we are carrying pain in our heart. This pain may be unique to us, but our healing will come from the love found in our heart, buried beneath the pain. Our own love will heal us from any pain we may have experienced. How we choose to heal and use this love will be unique in every way.

We often believe we do not have the ability to effect the world in a positive way. We may think we are too small, our voice too quiet, or we need a giant ego to enact positive change. Yet we would be wrong. Because of our unique way of thinking, we may arrive at solutions others can’t see. But if we think we are insignificant then we misjudge our ability to impact the world around us.

It takes courage to present an idea that may be contrary to popular opinion. But if we look through history, great inventions have been created by those who saw the world differently. Those with a unique point of view came up with many of the tools we use to make it through the day. At first these tools may have seemed odd, but with time they have been assimilated into mainstream thinking. Imagine life if these people hid their uniqueness from the world because they feared what others would think.

Everyone will tell their story differently, no two people will react to these stories the same. That is what makes your life story so unique. We all have something to learn and give to each other. If we tell the same story, or express an identical point of view, society becomes stagnant.

In truth your unique voice helps propel the world into the future. This may sound like an exaggeration, but think of tossing a pebble into a pond. The ripples radiate out from a single point, not only on the surface, but under water as well. Your point of view has merit, and might benefit humanity. You will never know as long as you are afraid to speak truthfully.

In other words your uniqueness impacts the world as no other can. To live to the fullness of who you are meant to be, expressing your uniqueness is required. You cannot live authentically while you hide your uniqueness because you are fearful of what others think.

Oftentimes when people question our uniqueness, it is because we trigger something within them that causes them to fear showing the world their true self. Our uniqueness is our gift to ourselves and those around us. To be true to ourselves, we must share the gift of our unique self, no matter how afraid we may be.


Are you sharing your unique self with the world? Let me know what you think. Leave a comment below, I’m always interested in hearing your point of view.

I had a fun time sharing my unique story on Dianne A. Allen’s “Someone Gets Me” podcast. Check out the link on the podcast page on my website. Or here’s the link if you are interested in just listening to our conversation. If Apple is not your thing, you can also find “Someone Gets Me” on Spotify, YouTube, or your favorite podcast platform.


Thank you for joining me on this journey called life, I appreciate your company. Wishing you the very best life has to offer.

Peace and well-being, Paul

Copyright Paul Hudon 2024