People often think that because I write what I share with you, my life is in perfect balance. All my relationships are neat and tidy, my meditations are quiet and serene, and I am always at peace with myself.
I’m sorry to break the news, but this is not the case. I have relationships that are challenging. My meditations are often similar to watching cars wiz by on the freeway, and I work to be at peace with myself. Yet this is what life is all about, working toward the goal of living in harmony with ourselves, then with those in our lives.
Each morning I wake up, meditate, stretch, and then write in my journal. This helps me maintain a sense of center and balance. I have also added a mantra I repeat to myself throughout the day. It’s simple yet it helps me move past my distractions quickly. I repeat to myself, “I am stronger than I was yesterday.” It might not sound like much, although it works for me.
Life is all about the lessons we learn along the way, if we are willing to take the time to notice these lessons. We can choose to ignore these lessons, or we can use them for our benefit. The quality of our life will be determined by this choice.
The difficulty with learning from challenging situations or experiences, is we have to search through the rubble to find the lessons. While on our search we may come face to face with things that make us uncomfortable, throwing us off balance. But, if we learn from these situations, we can move into a place of emotional well-being.
One thing about my mantra is when difficulties arise, I tell myself I’m stronger than I was yesterday, which helps me stay out of the quagmire of negativity. This allows me to search for the lessons, knowing I will grow emotionally.
It can be easy to get sucked into the negativity of the world around us. Although when we accept responsibility for our emotional state of being, we stay strong, avoiding the trap of negativity. This is a lesson I need to learn.
It’s true, life can get messy. Yet if we look for the positive lessons in negative experiences, we will move through life a bit easier, maintaining our sense of emotional balance. Rather than get upset when life takes an unforeseen turn, we can muster the courage and remain strong within ourselves. Giving us the strength to work through what life throws our way.
I often joke that I need what I write more than anyone I know, that’s why I write it. But I believe that to live to the fullness of who we are, we must learn what we can from the challenges we face each and every day. If we are not learning and growing emotionally and spiritually, then what are we doing? Sounds harsh, but being my best self is something worth working toward.
With each busy meditation, I work to quiet my mind. With every challenging relationship, I try to understand the root cause of the emotions I feel. When my self-doubt and negative self-talk show their ugly faces, I tell myself I am strong enough to love myself, no matter what those negative voices are saying.
Even though life can be challenging, and we may experience some difficult days, life can be a wonderful place. There is beauty everywhere we look, at the core of our being is an eternal source of unconditional love and the possibilities are endless.
If my meditation is noisy, my relationships challenging, and I’m fighting with myself, I always know these things will pass, and a balanced life will return, even if it is only for a few moments.
Can you find balance in your life? Let me know what you think. Leave a comment below. I’m always open to hearing your point of view.
It’s with great excitement I announce that my book, “Abundance to Zen: Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life” has won the Distinguished Favorite Award from the 2024 Independent Press Awards. I truly humbled, thank you. Although I must also thank those who helped get this book into print, Mary Dado, Elisa Tanaka, and of courses, my lovely wife Jane. Click the link to read more.
Thank you for being a part of this wonderful adventure called life, I appreciate your company.
Peace and well-being, Paul
Copyright Paul Hudon 202
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