Through much of life we work to suppress the conflict within. Although we may not believe we are harboring any inner turmoil, our behavior may reveal more than we are willing to admit.

There is a sad truth that many of those around us don’t want to hear about our problems. They have their own struggles and are not emotionally equipped to handle ours. This may motivate us to remain silent because we do not want to burden others.

For some reason, we think that by burying our inner conflict we will have the ability to go through life as if nothing is wrong. Yet at some point the festering will be too much for us to bear. The pressure will be too intense, causing us to explode, most likely the people who love us will feel the brunt.

The conflict within may cause us to become outraged at the slightest thing. If we are truly in alignment with our self-love, then we would be emotionally centered when difficulties arise. Our self-love is the antidote to our inner conflict, but we must first recognize the reasons for our internal struggles.

We often set our true self aside hoping to find love in the eyes of others. Our hope is that through our sacrifice we will feel a sense of love. When this doesn’t happen we ask ourselves, what did we do wrong? We assume it is our fault we have not pleased those whose acceptance we sought.

As we continue living this way our frustration builds. We are looking for validation for our sacrifice, yet we hear none. It seems that no matter what we do, or how deeply we forgo our dreams, we believe we are not enough.

Now the inner conflict grows in strength. We try to quell the struggle by seeking outside help, but none may be found. We fail to realize that the comfort we are looking for will only be found within ourselves.

No one can love us as we can love ourselves. When we turn within, we are asking for guidance to ease our inner conflict. We are seeking a source of love that will never let us down, never ask us to change who we are, never raise the bar while in mid-jump. Our self-love loves us no matter what is happening in our world. Self-love is always supportive, always encouraging, and always there for us even on our worst days.

The root cause of our inner conflict is our desire to be accepted by those who do not accept themselves. They seek to control us because they have no means to control their own mind, and the games it plays with them. We jump through hoops to please them, yet they will never be pleased with us, because their own inner conflict dictates their behavior.

The thing about our inner conflict is it is a great teacher. When we feel stressed, or feel like letting our emotions explode, we can see this as a sign to step away and release the pressure in private. This way those around us do not feel the full force of our conflict.

Many times those who anger us are not the reason we are angry. Other frustrations and challenges have built up within us and they are nearby when the damn breaks. They are unsure why they received so much anger, and we feel ashamed for behaving as we had.

When we recognize our inner conflict, we can disarm it with our self-love. To love ourselves is to understand that we do have control of our actions. We do not have to act out of anger, we can take a step back. This positive behavior weakens our inner conflict.

With practice, our self-love will grow stronger than our conflict. As this love strengthens, the battle of our inner conflict subsides. It is here we become emotionally centered, allowing us the ability to remain true to our self-love when we are triggered in the future. As they say, love conquers all, including our inner conflict.


Is it possible to overcome your inner conflict with self-love? Let me know what you think. Leave a comment below, I’m always interested in hearing your point of view.

I’m happy to announce that my book, “Abundance to Zen: Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life” has won the Distinguished Favorite Award from the 2024 Independent Press Awards. I truly humbled, thank you. Although I must also thank those who helped get this book into print.

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Thank you for being a part of this wonderful adventure called life, I appreciate your company.

Peace and well-being, Paul

Copyright Paul Hudon 2025