The conflict within may cause us to become outraged at the slightest thing. If we are truly in alignment with our self-love, then we would be emotionally centered when difficulties arise. Our self-love is the antidote to our inner conflict, but we must first recognize the reasons for our internal struggles.

The thing about our beliefs is they may have been taught to us at a young age by those who claim to love us. Because of this, we choose not to question what we have been taught. We want to feel their love, so we accept their beliefs as ours and go on our way without much thought.

It’s true, life can get messy. Yet if we look for the positive lessons in negative experiences, we will move through life a bit easier, maintaining our sense of emotional balance.

What if our “why” was the pursuit of our best selves? To see how far we could go? To silence the doubters, haters, and naysayers? An act of self-love to give ourselves the opportunity to live an amazing life?

Emotional freedom allows us to walk through life knowing we can choose our reaction to any situation, good or bad. Yet we also know we do not want to allow a negative situation to control us emotionally.
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