I always laugh when people think that just because we are on a spiritual journey, we can be used as a doormat for them to wipe their dirty feet. They think that being spiritual means we have no spine, allowing others to treat us poorly without repercussion.

Shedding roles and connecting with the truth of who we are is not easy work. We must question many of the beliefs we have been taught through the course of life. This can be challenging because much of our life may have been built around these beliefs.

At times we may think our uniqueness is both a blessing and a curse. We enjoy our individuality, while other times we’ll do anything to fit in. We don’t want to be the odd ball, but we don’t want to be alone, or left out of the excitement life has to offer. How do we find balance?

One of the hardest things we can do for our well-being, is to challenge the stories we tell ourselves and the beliefs we hold. This line of questioning is difficult because we build a life based on what we tell ourselves. By choosing to question our version of how we see the world we may shake our very existence to the core, thereby leading to a level of discomfort we would rather avoid.

Each of us have fears, doubts, voices from the past telling us we are unworthy. But if we give these emotions our attention we will convince ourselves we don’t belong. Yet when we begin to live by the truth of who we are, even for just a few fleeting moments, we start the unfolding of a life we once thought was out of reach.
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