Being curious is a great way to learn, if we are willing to put in the time to do a little research. Yet when it comes to curiosity about our behavior, it takes courage and honesty.

Yet this journey takes courage because we will be challenged along the way. Those who claim to love us may not understand our new way of life. Our beliefs may not align with those we once called our friends. The temptation to return to old ways of being may be strong, but the love we now feel for ourselves is too great to sacrifice for those who do not recognize the truth of who we are.

Oftentimes we look outside ourselves for love. In doing so we expose ourselves to the negativity of the outside world. We are asked to fit into a society that has not connected with its own source of unconditional love. This causes great discomfort because we cannot find our true selves in a world without love.

When we look in the mirror, who do we see? Do we see someone who is taking responsibility for every aspect of their life? Or, do we see a person who is blaming everyone and everything for the way life is unfolding? These are tough questions because it requires us to...

One of the most powerful tools for successful manifestation is our imagination. If we can imagine it, we can create it in our lives.
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