In his book, “Can’t Hurt Me”, Navy Seal and ultramarathon athlete David Goggins, writes about different ways to overcome doubt when difficult times arise. During a 100 mile foot race in Hawaii while having a hard time moving forward he came up with the idea of...

Why is it we seem to give thanks for everything but ourselves. When was the last time you looked in the mirror and thanked yourself? Why thank yourself? In truth, no other person gets up in the morning and lives your life for you. You do it all by yourself. Of course...

It always surprises me how often we try to control that which cannot be controlled. We believe if we squeeze tighter we will finally gain control over the situation, but this never happens. All that ends up happening is we get frustrated or angry. Control is a funny...

I once read an interview with American comedian Phyllis Diller. When asked about her success, she said she owed it to her wish list. Phyllis then explained that she created a list of things she wanted in her life. She also revealed how many items on her list came to...

Why is it some things send us into an emotional tailspin, while others do not? Is it because we are attached to a certain outcome that some situations don’t bother us, and others cause our head to explode? The crazy thing about life is one day we may get triggered,...
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