One of the most powerful tools for successful manifestation is our imagination. If we can imagine it, we can create it in our lives. The challenge begins when we limit the way we view the world. How often have we heard that using our imagination is a waste of time. We...


When was the last time we stepped out of our rut to see what was possible in our lives? If we were to take a step back would we notice we have been on autopilot for a while, maybe even years. It is true, at times autopilot might be the best course of action. It’s...


Within each of us is the capacity to love beyond imagination. This is the intention behind enlightenment, to love no matter the circumstances. The opposite also exists, the ability to do great harm. We may doubt this, but do we lose control of our emotions and spew...


In Paulo Coelho’s book, “The Archer” the main character, Tetsuya, teaches a boy the way of the archer. Tetsuya compares the bow to life, while the arrow is the intention. If our life is in alignment with our authentic truth and our intention is to live to the fullness...


Each of us has a powerful inner truth, yet for various reasons we don’t live by this truth. I might even say we may not realize this truth exists. We may think we are living our truth, but to know for sure we must take an honest look at how our lives are unfolding....


Recently someone told me they were bored. This was surprising, because I can’t imagine being bored. They weren’t saying they were bored with their day, they were bored with their life. Why is it we fail to realize that we create the world around us. If we are bored it...