How often are we in a group of people thinking we are out of our league? For some reason our insecurities rise to the surface, overtaking us emotionally. We feel we are not good enough to be there, we say to ourselves, “what were we thinking, we should just leave.”

Why is it we choose to diminish who we are? Thinking small because we feel we are not worthy of walking on the grand stage of life? Do we fear what others think of us? Or are we afraid of challenging the limiting beliefs we have held for many years?

No one likes to be out of their comfort zone. But that is where we will find out who we truly are. Oftentimes we remain small because we feel we cannot step up to the challenges life hands us. Why do we believe this line of thought?

When we silence our mental noise we begin to hear the voice of our true self. This voice speaks nothing but love for us. Yet for some reason we choose to ignore this voice, while paying attention to the voices of our negative self-talk and self-doubt. Why do we forgo a loving, supportive voice for ones that put us down?

What if the challenges of life are meant to expand our consciousness through the lessons these difficult circumstances teach? That would mean that every situation we encounter on our path is there for a reason.

It makes no difference if it’s a bed of roses, or a bed in the ER. Those are lessons for our emotional and spiritual growth. By learning to accept that where we are, is where we are supposed to be, then we have to accept that where we are, is where we belong.

I remember my first writers conference. I felt like a fish out of water. I had completed the initial draft of my first book, yet I didn’t consider myself a writer, I felt I didn’t belong. Then as the conference continued, I realized at some point every author felt the same way as I did. Once I let go of my fear, and expressed my truth, I knew I belonged, right there with other writers, authors, and poets.

Why is it we judge ourselves on an assumption of what we believe others think? What a crazy way to live. We assume we know what those around us are thinking, so we judge ourselves based on this assumption. This is why we tell ourselves we don’t belong. But the information we use to judge ourselves is false. Why do we do this to ourselves?

Are we so afraid of failure or rejection, we choose to remain in place rather than walk into the unknown? The one place we really don’t belong is in our comfort zone. Once we overcome our fear, we ignite the fire of our true self. It is the light of this fire that pushes away the darkness of the unknown. It is here we realize we belong.

Each of us have fears, doubts, voices from the past telling us we are unworthy. But if we give these emotions our attention we will convince ourselves we don’t belong. Yet when we begin to live by the truth of who we are, even for just a few fleeting moments, we start the unfolding of a life we once thought was out of reach.

It all begins with knowing we are guided by a source of unconditional love found deep within us. This love is quietly urging us forward, whispering “You belong.” When we focus on this love, and its powerful message, we realize there is no place in this lifetime off limits to us. Why? Because we love ourselves enough to say, “I belong!”


From the bottom of my heart I want each and every one of us to have the courage to look in the mirror and say with love and conviction, “I belong!”

Let me know what you think, leave a comment or question below. I’m always open to hearing from you.

I had a great time as a guest on Dianne A. Allen’s “Someone Gets Me” podcast. Here is the link if you are interested in listening to our conversation. If Apple is not your thing, you can also find “Someone Gets Me” on Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform.

Thank you for joining me on this journey called life I appreciate your company. Wishing you the very best life has to offer.

Peace and well-being, Paul

Copyright Paul Hudon 2024