One of the most powerful tools for successful manifestation is our imagination. If we can imagine it, we can create it in our lives. The challenge begins when we limit the way we view the world.

How often have we heard that using our imagination is a waste of time. We are taught that to accomplish anything me must always be doing something. If we are not busy, we will fail. Daydreaming is for children. To believe these statements is to ignore the power of our imagination.

Look around right now. At one time everything you see was once in the imagination of its creator. Someone imagined a laptop and here it is. Another person imagined flying from coast to coast, it has become so common we rarely put much thought into it. There is nothing that was not in someone’s imagination at one time or another.

When we accept the powerful truth that our imagination can create things, we can ask ourselves why are we not manifesting our dream life? There are a few reasons why. One could be, we don’t believe our best life is possible. Another reason may be because we have no idea how this life would look, or how we would accomplish this life. It is possible we are thinking too small?

The amazing thing about our imagination is it has no limitations. We are free to imagine anything we want. No one can take our imagination away from us. The interesting thing about our imagination is the more we feed it amazing ideas, the more amazing ideas we create.

Think of the recent past when the phone was attached to the wall with a cord. A camera used film that had to be sent to a lab to get developed, and the postal service handled all the mail. Now, we take photographs with our phone and email them to the other side of the world in a few seconds. All because this technology was created in someone’s imagination.

Another key aspect of manifestation is we must believe our ideal life is possible. If we doubt, or believe our limiting beliefs, our dreams will fall short. In other words, we must believe it is possible before it will come to fruition. Belief in our ideas brings them into reality. We must believe!

Some times our dreams do fall short. When this happens we often get discouraged, we may even give up. The thing is, we may never know how close we were to success if we call it quits. When this happens it’s easy to get frustrated and demoralized.

If we throw in the towel, we may never try again, thereby living an unfulfilling life because we failed. The thing about failure is there are always lessons to be learned that will help us succeed in the future.

It’s funny how we only see the successful paintings of Picasso, the finished books of Tolstoy, or the completed works of many of the great masters. We rarely see their failures. Yet each of their failures taught a lesson that helped them become successful.

Manifesting works the same way. We may imagine something, but it never comes to be. When this happens, look for the lessons. Think of the relationships that didn’t work out, jobs that fell through, businesses that never got off the ground. Sure this may have been upsetting, but these were lessons we needed to learn.

One thing failure does for us is it gives us the opportunity to fine tune our imagination. We can use these experiences to dial in exactly what we want with more clarity. Rather than imagine any old job, we can imagine just what we want, how we want to feel while at work. Or how our partner treats us, not only when life is good, but when life gets difficult.

The crux to manifesting the life we want is to allow ourselves the privilege of letting our imagination run wild. Our only limitations are the ones we place on ourselves. To live to the fullness of who we are, we must give ourselves permission to use the full power of our imagination.


Is it possible to unleash your imagination when creating your best life?

Let me know what you think. Leave a comment below, I am always interested in hearing your point of view.

Each week I email an article to those who have subscribed to my weekly newsletter. This week I wrote about selfless service. Here is an excerpt.

Many of the great spiritual teachings of the world teach that an act of kindness is the reward in itself, not the approval of others. This is often referred to as selfless service. We give to the needy because sharing our self-love is the reward. At the heart of all true giving is love. The joy of sharing is enough, we do not need an audience to justify our actions.

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Thank you for walking with me through this journey called life. I appreciate your support.

Peace and well-being, Paul

Copyright Paul Hudon 2024