One of the hardest things we can do for our well-being, is to challenge the stories we tell ourselves and the beliefs we hold. This line of questioning is difficult because we build a life based on what we tell ourselves. By choosing to question our version of how we see the world we may shake our very existence to the core, thereby leading to a level of discomfort we would rather avoid.

Why question our stories and beliefs? Oftentimes the narrative we repeat to ourselves is based on what we have been taught by those who claim to love us. Because of this loving connection we believe what they say is true, so we have little need to question their words.

In a sense we are too connected emotionally to those we love to consider a view of ourselves and the world that contradicts their line of thinking. We want to be loved but by challenging what we have learned from them we fear losing this source of love.

This behavior may keep us in a place of great discomfort. Because deep within us we know there is a life that is more in alignment with our authentic truth, but we fail to change because we don’t want to disappoint those whose love we seek. It’s not an easy place to be, living by the beliefs of those who claim to love us, while knowing these beliefs will not lead us to the freedom of knowing the truth of who we are.

At some point, if we want to live authentically, we must look within ourselves with the intention of uncovering what is true and right for us. How do we begin? Everything we tell ourselves, and everything told to us has a feeling, an emotion, attached to it.

When we repeat to ourselves something some one has told us, how does it make us feel? Be honest! It’s easy to fool ourselves into thinking a derogatory comment is a joke, but does it feel like a joke, or is it a putdown? Is a compliment genuine? How does it feel?

It’s not only what others say that can have a hidden meaning. How do our stories feel? Do they make us feel superior because we judge or ridicule others? Or are our stories a reflection of the love we found while on our journey to discover our authentic truth?

That is the key, love. Any belief, thought, or story, not founded on love will not move us closer to living to the fullness of who we are meant to be. Negativity may make us feel good for a short time, but will hinder the way we go through life.

A positive belief or story, has the potential to keep us on track as we try to navigate the challenges of life. Remember everything we tell ourselves has a feeling attached to it. If we want to overcome any challenge we can only succeed with positive and loving thoughts and beliefs.

If our mind is repeating a narrative based on what we know to be true and right, then this story will have love as it’s foundation. From this place of love there will be no reason to question our beliefs or stories, because we will feel the love when we repeat them to ourselves. In living this way we create a life founded on truth and love, a life we know is a representation of our true self.


Are we courageous enough to question our beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves? Let me know what you think. Leave a comment below. I’m always interested in hearing your point of view.

I had a great time as a guest on Dianne A. Allen’s “Someone Gets Me” podcast. Check out the link on the podcast page on my website. Or here’s the link if you are interested in just listening to our conversation. If Apple is not your thing, you can also find “Someone Gets Me” on Spotify, YouTube, or your favorite podcast platform.

Each week I email an article to those who have subscribed to my weekly. This week I write about our narrative, seem to be a theme this week. Here is an excerpt.

At this point in life, we all know the power of our own negative self-talk and self-doubt. We don’t need the opinions of others to add fuel to any hesitation we may have. That’s why having a loving, resilient narrative is so important.

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Thank you for joining me on this journey called life I appreciate your company. Wishing you the very best life has to offer.

Peace and well-being, Paul

Copyright Paul Hudon 2024