Have we forgotten our “Why”? You know, the reason we chose our career path, our relationships, our passions and hobbies. Have we forgotten the reason we wanted to write that book, climb mountains, travel the world, become a healer? What was our “why”?
Years ago I remember telling myself I wanted to spend my life working with wood. My “why” was because I enjoyed working with my hands as well as a desire to create with this amazing material. I also wanted to see what was possible when I focused on understanding my “why”.
After 40 years working with wood my “why” has been answered. I felt my “why” had run its course. Today I have to answer that question again. What is my “why”? What gets me out of bed? What excites me? What do I want to accomplish? How can I incorporate my “why” into my everyday life?
As a writer my “why” is to help others live to the fullness of who they are. That’s easy. But there are other areas of my life where I need to answer that question. To find these answers I spend time writing in a journal. This allows me to write without restriction, I just write and see what comes out.
The reason I ask this question is because there is more to life than mindlessly getting out of bed and going to a job that is unsatisfying or unfulfilling. We must have a “why”. Sure we could say we need to pay the bills, feed ourselves and family. But where does that leave us emotionally?
What if our “why” was the pursuit of our best selves? To see how far we could go? To silence the doubters, haters, and naysayers? An act of self-love to give ourselves the opportunity to live an amazing life?
The world is full of people who will never make the evening news who are living their “why”. You may be one of them. Yet for many, they have sacrificed their “why” because they feel they are not worthy of living to the fullness of who they are. Maybe a parent told them they would never accomplish anything. Or a teacher said they couldn’t write or sing, or create any worthwhile art. We may even talk ourselves out of our “why” because no one else is doing it.
Our “why” doesn’t have to be seen by the world. Nor will everyone understand our “why.” That’s okay. Oftentimes our “why” is an agreement we make with ourselves. It could be to get in better shape. Or take the deep dive into our consciousness to see why we are as we are with the intention of healing our childhood wounds.
The thing is our “why” can become a mantra when we feel we are off track or think we are close to failing. Remembering our “why” could pull us out of the negativity of self-doubt. The reason for our “why” is the reason we greet the day with enthusiasm and a zest for life.
Will it always be easy? Probably not. At times our “why” will challenge us unlike anything we may have ever experienced in the past. But that’s the point, to see what we are capable of accomplishing. Yet to do so, we need a “why.” Because there will be a time when we are feeling insecure or unsure of what steps to take. Our “why” will help us see the path ahead clearly, giving us the courage to write that book, swim those laps, create art, or saddle that horse.
Can you remember your “why.” Let me know what you think. Leave a comment below. I’m always interested in hearing your point of view.
Here are a few of the upcoming workshops I’ll be hosting. Hope to see you there.
January 11th Charting the New Year
1:00-3:00 $30:00
A Little Bit of Kindness www.alittlebitofkindness.org
7730 E. Alhambra Dr.
Sierra Vista, AZ.
Learn to use a simple chart to manifest your dreams and goals for the upcoming New Year and beyond.
January 25th Sacred Space Journaling Workshop
Strega 214-790-5427 flyingmonkeys@stregashop.com
11:00-12:30 or 1:00-2:30 Two sessions choose which one works best for you. $30:00
157 N. Coronado Dr.
Sierra Vista, AZ.
The intention of this journaling workshop is to begin a dialogue with your higher self. Thereby allowing you to find guidance and answers to help you live to the fullness of who you are.
This workshop has sold out in the past. Call or email Strega to register.
Wishing you and those you love the very best in the New Year.
Peace and well-being, Paul
Copyright© Paul Hudon 2025
Please let me know the next time you are having any workshops . I would have loved to attend these in January but was down the entire month with a covid Rsv no fun
I just saw this too ( I live in sonoita
I’ll post a new workshop schedule soon. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.
Peace and well-being, Paul